Monday, May 28, 2012

3 Babies

My three babies...

Growing a little slow, but getting there!
Just got done with the musical yesterday. Was a super awesome experience! :) Had loads of fun and new friends. Gonna miss everyone in the production. Now I'm just keeping myself busy until I go rock climbing in 5 days! Sooo excited!!

I'm secretly surprised at how my family is reacting to me going rock climbing alone (well, with instructors really, but going there alone). My mom let me. My grandma kinda didn't care about it. My grandpa just told me to be careful with the rain. And when I told him they'll have ropes and stuff, he's just like "oh, okay." Hahaha!

It's totally a blessing. Never knew it would be this easy. You never know what's gonna happen until you try right? :)

Went looking for the Thai Ridgeback today at the open air market. The boy said she's sold. But I don't believe him. Will go check again tomorrow because the owner wasn't there today.

Then four days after I get back from Chiang Mai my cousin, A, is coming back from Shanghai. He's gonna take me shooting! Yay!!! Maybe I'll move my flight to Monday June 25 instead so we can go shooting 23 and 24.

Other than that I'm also super stoked about getting back to the States. Mainly because I'll be back in the 'bu and I'll be taking pole dancing. :))) Still gotta sign up for that. The schedule for June is not up yet.

Good summer so far, and looking good in the future too! :3

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