Thursday, May 10, 2012

Time Creeps

I've been running and doing the same old routine. It's just that now I have to run in the morning because I have practice for the musical in the late afternoon/evening. It's supposed to get intense next week, but it's already pretty hard. On paper, they schedule practice to be only an hour long. It always end up being a couple hours more. Especially last night when I was learning the dance and steps for my part. I was literally out of energy :S

More practice today as well. From 4-5 should be voice practice. Then 6-7 should be dance practice where I'll be practicing with the people in the same scene as me (I was learning it alone last night). I doubt it will end at 7 though. Probably will drag on till at least 8. Meh. I kinda want to just fast forward time and skip to the performance. Hahaha!

Anyway, so I went out of town to see my grandpa the other day. I got pictures of his dogs too! They're so cute :3

The trio of brothers and sister.

That's my grandma giving them chicken.
And that's the dog begging for more lol

This one's still a puppy!

"Please give me fooood."

A moth I found on the bar hanging bananas.

He's such a sweetheart :)

The sister is happy :D
I can't believe it's only been barely two weeks that I've been here. Time is going so slowly it feels like forever. Old people always say they want time to slow down, but I don't think I'll ever want that. Because time only slows down when you're in pain. And it goes by fast when you're happy. I'd rather be happy than sad. :)

I really just want this to be done with. Can't wait for next month when I go climbing!!! :D

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