Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Failed Second 3 Mile

Saw the rain cloud, but went jogging anyway. Prayed to at least finish one round first. Rain started falling and I started running. Heard thunder rumbling and I sprinted the hell back!

Okay, first of all, it already rained before I started my run. So I thought maybe it won't rain again. And I really wanted to do another 3 mile run because I've just been doing 1.5 mile after my first 3 mile run. I saw the sky getting dark and I quickened my pace, whispering under my breath for it to wait until after I finish this first round.

Halfway through the golf course (second half of the round), I felt big droplets on my arms and face. And you know how sometimes you can see heavy rain coming your way like it's being poured in a certain direction? That's exactly what I saw in front of me. Heavy rain was running towards me and I was running towards it. It was amazing actually :) I could barely see.

I was soaked, and I love getting soaked. I contemplated running the second round since I was already dripping. I just had to leave my phone at the front of house by the guard house (I had my phone in case of emergency and to time myself). I hid it under my shirt, although my shirt was pretty much wet too.

Then along came thunder. And I was like SHIIIIT!!! I was on the road and it was starting to form puddles. There were trees around and I knew I shouldn't go under them. Plus, they don't provide any coverage anyway. I couldn't stay still because my phone was getting wetter by the second. So yes, I sprinted for my life! Hahaha!

I guess you should be careful what you wish for. I only recently put in my bucket list that I want to run around and dance in the rain with someone I love. I definitely got to run around in the rain. But God, I think you missed the dancing and the someone I love part. Lol! Although I don't really mind getting those two missing parts later. ;)p

It was actually the funnest run I've ever had :) I'd love to do it again minus the thunder and a waterproof watch instead of my phone. Running in the rain is fun! Probably not so much in the States because the rain and weather is cold. It's perfect here because it's warm. Feels almost like taking a nice warm shower.

My time was better by a minute though. Woot!! And I got to watch the little runt of an Australian Cattle Dog playing with the rain and water in the front of the house. She's the cutest. She was jumping up and around to catch the water. Hahaha!

By the way, isn't it ironic that I was wearing my swim team shirt from middle school? "Panthers Swim Team" Well, this panther is soaked alright. Gosh, my school's mascot is definitely way cooler than my university's. I'd rather be a panther than a wave. But I'm both, so what gives. :)

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