Friday, May 9, 2014

Lembeh Strait: Second Day Highlights

As we enter the second day of diving, I'm feeling a lot better about muck diving. The weather here is nice, sometimes a little warm (if I'm eating something hot like noodle soup, hahaha!). It pours at night, which keeps our hanging wetsuits from drying. But, really, who cares? You're going in the water sooner or later anyway. Oh! And by the way, the water temperature is just amazing! 75-80 degrees? That's like taking a nice hot shower. :) Except the water's not clean.

Anyway, I was able to photograph quite a number of critters and fish. Here are my highlights for Day Two:

The Magnificent Anemone Shrimp.
Which, if you can't tell, is quite small and translucent.
A brown frogfish.
The emperor shrimp on a giant sea cucumber.
And if you can't tell from the grain of sands, it's tiny.

A nudibranch that was about to be eaten by a pufferfish.
A one-eyed (coconut?) octopus.

Aye! Me only have one eye, matey!
A hairy frogfish.
It lures its prey with that worm looking thing on top of its head.
A family portrait of a moray and a pregnant branded coral shrimp.

Can you tell this is a crab?
It's a two horn box crab, I believe.

The smallest nudibranch ever!
That I could take pictures of anyway.

A baby orange frogfish.

Here's an extra picture of it yawning (or something).

A cool looking nudibranch.

More nudibranch.

And this super awesome one with gills that look like trees!

Follow the leader!
Dive Sites Today:
1)  Kapal Indah - wreck, coral
2)  Hair Ball 2 - muck, sand, rubble
3)  Bianca - muck, sand, rubble

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