Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lembeh Strait: Eighth Day

Oh, it's the second to last day of diving. Can't believe I had been diving for seven days straight! It feels both like I've been here for forever and I've only just gotten here.

Even though it is the second to last day, I only did two dives today. I feel like it would be best to taper my consumption of nitrogen-rich air just to be safe. But I still got pretty candid shots! I think. :)

A brown frogfish. And he has his friend, a decorator crab, with him.

Here's a better picture of him with the crab.
See those orange eyes?

"Nooo... Crab, don't leave me!!!"

A freakishly giant crab that almost attacked my mom.
I stayed away and just zoomed in, hence, the horrible color quality.

Another flamboyant cuttlefish.
This cute yellow frogfish.

"Look at me beard!"

A moss (?) covered hermit crab.

A hairy yellow-orangish frogfish.

Purple shrimp on a giant black sea cucumber.

Two harlequin shrimps that look like they're strolling through a grassy meadow.
This awesome nudibranch that looks like some virus from a sci-fi movie.

Box crab.

A nudibranch that's pretty confused with his hairdo.

A peeping orange stonefish. I think it's a stonefish.

And the greatest find of all: a baby frogfish!
We could barely make it out when our guide pointed him out to us.
As you can see from the tip of the pointer, this guy's very tiny.
The local kids playing by the water when we surfaced.
Apparently one of them's related to a guy that helps around on the boat.
They're pretty happy with life. :D
Dive Sites:
1.  Hair Ball 1
2.  Tandarusa

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