Monday, May 12, 2014

Lembeh Strait: Day Five, Frogfish Day

The main attraction of today is frogfish. We saw a whole bunch in the second dive and three giant frogfish in the night dive. However, the pink frogfish is still elusive to me (it's on my wish list at the board by the dive center).

Here are my photos for the day:

Two super tiny shrimps I'm surprised I got a decent picture of.

A small crab in disguise.

A pregnant red seahorse! He was very shy.
A small red and white scorpionfish.
Again, a crab that doesn't look like a crab.

A beautiful blue lobster!

Yellow hairy frogfish.

Small purple shrimp on ginormous black sea cucumber.
Face profile of a pink frogfish!
He's got stuff growin' all over his face. So cute!

Medium-sized orange frogfish.

Tiny nudibranch.

This weird looking nudibranch with what looks like a small umbrella on its back.

Medium-sized yellow frogfish.

The giant frogfish that is literally the size of my head!

Another giant frogfish.

This nudibranch with an awesome color pattern.

Two harlequin shrimps chomping down on a blue starfish.

A fat, red nudibranch.
It was a great dive today!

Dive Sites Today:
1)  Tanjung Kubur
2)  Tandarusa
3)  KBR House Reef

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