Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lembeh Strait: Decompression Day Seven

So we went down too deep for too long on the second dive. My max depth was 27.7 m (90.9 ft), and I was stuck decompressing at around 5 m (15 ft) for at least 15 minutes. Our dive guide had to pop up to get us an extra tank to breath on because I was at 30 bar (430 psi) when we had to stop to decompress.

It was all for a good reason though! Well, kind of. We were following a mating blue ringed octopus. My mom stayed down taking pictures for longer than I did, so she had to decompress for longer, including our guide who stayed with her.

That was an interesting experience. I've never been stuck decompressing before. Gotta say, I wasn't as bored waiting as I had thought I would be. Being under water is fun!

Here are today's highlights:

This zebra striped crab.

A bumpy/rocky nudibranch.

Tiny shrimp with a dairy cow color pattern.

An adorably blue nudibranch.
This super cute orange nudibranch with gills that look like a flower on its back.

Two small shrimps with cool pinkish color and sparkly shell on their bodies.

A harlequin shrimp.

The greatest find! A mating blue ringed octopus.
Can you see the other octopus holding on tightly to the blue ringed's head?
Because my dive computer was already telling me to ascend when our dive guide found this blue ringed octopus, I only took a couple pictures (then was outta there!). Thank goodness they came out quite decent!

This funky, mysterious looking creature in a shell with only eyes popping out and a trunk that gropes around the ocean floor.

This is what it looks like after I turned it up.
I suspect it's some kind of sea snail(?).
Yellow nudibranch with what looks like an umbrella over his gills.

This shrimp that decided he loves my mom and kept running around on her.

A red-eyed tiny crab.

Adorable orange frogfish hiding by a similar colored sponge coral.

By the orange frogfish is this larger frogfish that's making himself out to look like a sponge coral altogether.

A peacock mantis shrimp eyeing me angrily at the entrance to his lair!

"Ima fly with these wings!" said the nudibranch.

Another nudibranch that is inspired by the dairy cow, even in plumpness.
Dive Sites Today:
1)  Makawide 3
2)  Goby a Crab
3)  Aer Prang 1

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