Friday, August 3, 2012

Maldivian Adventures 1 and a 1/2 Days

Oh, how blue is the ocean. Definitely a whole lot bluer than Malibu! Ladies and gents, yes, I am here in "paradise"..... The Maldives!

A couple's retreat. Greatest honeymoon spot. Beautiful, romantic room. Sensual bathroom. Pristine bungalows. With my mom and brother. Yep....

It's fun, don't get me wrong. There is just a certain disconnect in that logic, if you know what I mean. However, I get to do whatever I want. So that's pretty awesome except for the fact that I keep thinking about and missing Tony. I mean, how can I not when I see couples walking around everywhere.

Anyway, let me recount my wonderful stay so far. I can't really upload my pics yet, so that's gonna have to wait. :) The island/resort that we're staying at is called Constance Moofushi. Had to take a sea plane to get here. Honestly, I was really nervous getting on that thing. Smallest plane I've ever been on. And the captain, handsome as he may be, looked like one of those guys that couldn't keep a relationship and gets drunk on the beach partying every night making him perfect for this job.

Surprisingly, he worked his magic on the plane. Kinda scary seeing how far up we were. Every time I see clouds up ahead I kept on thinking, "bad clouds...clouds are bad...bad clouds." Because if you've ever been on a plane, clouds create turbulent. The last thing I want is to feel that sudden drop in such a small plane. The captain managed to avoid them. So yay! And it was a super smooth landing. I thought there would be some kind of impact, but dang I didn't feel a thing. :)

The room is super awesome! As you can see, I have internet. The TV is an internet TV. So I can watch movies AND go online. Play my iPod, etc. etc. etc. And I swear they have every movie! Well, not every one of them, but a definite shit load! Makes me want to cuddle with Tony in the middle of the night and watch something... ughhh.

There's a patio that goes down to the water. We're in the water villas so it's extra nice. The bed faces this huge sliding glass door that faces the beautiful blue ocean. Soooo peaceful. Wish I can wake up with Tony to this beautiful site.

Okay! I know I have to stop this "missing Tony" undertone. But I really just can't help it. Sigh.

Not too crazy about the food. Bland for my taste. I hate buffets when it's like that. I feel like I'm not eating enough and I don't want to eat more because it's not delicious. The only buffet that I really go to and love is korean bbq! :D

This morning I went scuba diving! Well, just the Padi Discover Scuba Diving Experience. But! I did this before in a pool. Here, it's friggin' in the ocean! I get to actually dive into the lagoon right by the beach. It. Was. AMAZING!!!!! Oh my god.... Wish I bought an underwater camera. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! I was sooooo close to the fishies. There were all sorts of fish. Smaller than my fingernail and bigger than my head. Sooooo happy I'm getting certified in September!

But seriously, I don't think the beach at San Pedro (where I'm getting certified) will be this rich. Maybe rich with dirt and chemicals, but not fish and corals. I don't even think the Catalinas will be this beautiful.

And just the smell of clean sea water. You have no idea. People don't understand me when I say that the ocean stinks in California. The beach sucks and you smell gross afterwards like dried seaweed. They don't understand what the ocean really smells like and how wonderful it is to smell salty with a mix of sunscreen. They don't understand that what they're smelling along the coast of the United States is not what the sea is supposed to smell like. They just...don't understand.

This is blissful.

So anyway, I went sunbathing after my scuba diving experience. I'm trying to get rid of this awful/weird tan line on my upper right thigh. I got it from sitting in the car for too long with my shorts and a bit of my shirt sticking out. The tan line is like this odd angle looking thing. I got darker, but the weird line is not completely gone yet. Maybe tomorrow will help. :)

I went into the shallow water for a bit because it was SUPER HOT! I was literally sweating balls. And I saw a manta ray!!!! So cool. Thankfully, I was a swimmer trained under the hot sun when I was younger. My tendency to get sunburned is greatly reduced. I just get tanned really fast.

Then I booked three different spa courses for three days. Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. I get 20% off all of the massages if I do that. It's gonna be amaaazing. I love massages and spa treatments. :)

Soon, we'll be going snorkeling. From 3:30pm to 5:00pm. After that I have my massage appointment at 5:45pm. What an awesome day! :) Would be better if Tony was here with me and we can make crazy stupid jokes. And just spend time together. This month was supposed to be our month anyway.

Let's be fair. There are families here. You know, parents with kids. But honestly, unless you're super young like no older than 8 years old, you're not gonna enjoy yourself here with your parents. I saw this one asian boy just walking around all bored. I feel so bad for him. Probably because I'm feeling something very similar.

It's a honeymoon spot for Christ's sake!!! Don't bring your kids here unless they're young enough to make friends with the floating coconut head. I mean, it's nice they have entertainment for us in the room. But what's the point of paying so much just to stay in the room? You should be outside enjoying the scenery, sun, beach, and the company of your partner or friends.

If you're gonna be inside, it better be for a super awesome sex session!

Well, that's all I have to say so far.  Gotta go change and get ready for the snorkeling session. Toodle!

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