Monday, April 30, 2012

Second Day Back

So I landed safely in Thailand. I'm still trying to adjust to the time change, a very huge time change indeed. It's 7:25am here right now, but it's 5:25pm back in L.A. So you can see, the day is basically flipped for me. I've been falling asleep at around 9:00pm and waking up at like 6:30am. Way too much sleep I know, but I couldn't stay awake past 9:30pm if I really want to, and I have nothing to do if I wake up before 6:30am, which I usually do.

Aside from the weird sleeping schedule, I still haven't really gotten my appetite back yet. I get hungry all the time, but once I take the first few bites it's like I'm full. A breakup is a bitch, isn't it? Time goes by so slowly. I'm gradually getting better though. :)

Moving on to fun stuff. I swear the weather makes me run slower! It's like 90-100 degrees here (freakishly hot I know!) and I sweat just standing outside. Thank goodness for air conditioner, right? But jeez! I went running around the house, and it should be the regular one mile round trip, and guess what time I got? 15 friggin' minutes! I run 9 minutes a mile back in the states. It was so sad. I had to stop to walk two times. :((( So really, my goal right now is to just run without stopping. It's like the heat just sucks out my energy. I got tired real quick and sweated a whole lot more than usual. It's probably because my body was physically tired from the plane ride, too. I'll keep trying.

Did I mention I found a climbing place here in Thailand? Well, I did. And the company is called Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures. They offer courses on rock climbing, too, which is awesome! I actually just booked a few courses yesterday. I'm planning this 10 day trip to Chiang Mai (a city in the Northern part of Thailand, I have to fly there). At first I wanted to do their 3 day intensive caving course, but by the time that I will be going it's the start of the rainy season so it will be dangerous. Oh, well. Maybe another time.

This trip will be from June 3-15. And I booked the flight back to the States on June 21st. So this is my schedule for the trip so far:

          Sun   June 3:                   Arrive at Chiang Mai & get fitted for gears
          Mon  June 4:                   Technical Top Rope Skills
          Tue   June 5:                   Basic Mountain Biking
          Wed  June 6:                   Introduction to Lead Climbing
          Thu   June 7:                   
          Fri     June 8:                   Boulder at the gym
          Sat    June 9:
          Sun   June 10:                 Technical Lead Climbing Skills
          Mon  June 11:                 Oil massage course-day 1
          Tue   June 12:                 Oil massage course-day 2
          Wed  June 13:                 Oil massage course-day3
          Thu   June 14:                 Introduction to Multi-Pitch Climbing
          Fri     June 15:                 Leave Chiang Mai for Bangkok

Looks super uber awesome, doesn't it? I still have to transfer money to their account for them to actually open up the course. Will go do that today. And I also still have to call and reserve a room for this trip. The hotel is gonna be right next to the company. Imagine this: $10 a night! When I told my mom she looked at me all weird. Hahaha! She probably wants me to stay in a more expensive place, just to be safe because I'm a girl. It's actually quite surprising to me that she's letting me go on this venture alone. However, I don't know how my grandma is gonna take it when she finds out. Whatever, I'm going and doing this my own way either way.

Then I still have to call and ask about the 3 day massage course. See if I need to book the course or not. This is gonna be sooooo awesome! I'm happy Tony introduced me to rock climbing. I will be better next time we go climbing together again. Anyway, I'm hungry. Gonna go eat, shower, and get ready to seize the day.

Carpe Diem, everyone! :D

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