It's been a while since I've last wrote, mainly because I've been quite busy with preparing to get back home and the trip back home itself. So I'll just briefly outline what had happened. I am still feeling pretty jetlagged. :s
After summer school ended for me, I went to San Diego for the 4th of July weekend. It was a pretty relaxing four-day retreat. I got to visit my hamster, Potato, at Joel's house. Although we're really worried about him right now because Joel told me through Skype that Potato looks like he's getting the wet tail disease. :( Hopefully he'll be saved in time. He is the sweetest hamster; it will break my heart to see him leave so early especially because I only bought him two months ago.
Anyway, Joel made an awesome house for him though. That kid better not die on us.
Told ya it was awesome! (verging on epic :p)
I still have hope. It's funny though. Because I lost this toy hamster Joel and I bought that will remind me of Potato when I come home at the airport. Somehow, that must have been some kind of omen. I really miss that fluffy furball of a rodent with his short, hairless tail. :'(
That's him on his "Woodland Get-A-Way" house.
Live, Potato! Live!
Moving on to a happier subject, Joel's cat, Troy, seemed to love me more than before. He was playing with me and meowing a lot when I meow at him. Hahaha! Funny how that works. He's adorable and fat. Reminds me a bit of Garfield except his face is not as huge. Joel said he had been nicer ever since he got kicked out of the room because of Potato. Hah!
It took me some time and effort to try and get a good picture of him because he keeps on moving around.
I also went running at the beach for the first time in my life. Well, not really because I'm pretty sure I did run at the beach when I was smaller. But now I've just grown lazy like other adults and prefer to walk around the beach instead. If I remember correctly, Joel and I ran at Imperial Beach. We tried to stick to the dry sand so it was kind of taxing. When we finally got back onto the pavement it was like running on nothing. Hahaha.
We watched fireworks from the freeway on the night of the fourth, and I ate lots of good food. Mmm. Baked mussels. :3 I wish I could stay longer.
I just got back two days ago. I landed and got back home around noon. Than in the late afternoon I got onto another plane and flew to Chiang Mai (a northern city of Thailand). As you can imagine, I was super jetlagged that day. Yesterday, I just flew back down to Bangkok. We were only there for a Buddhist ceremony so we didn't stay long.
And here I am, sitting in front of my laptop, writing in my blog. So much and so little has changed at the same time. It's kind of hard to explain what I'm feeling. Seeing and sleeping with my dog again is definitely nice.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get back into my exercise routine again soon. It's awfully hot here though. Oh, AC, how I worship thee.
I hope Potato lives! I have pet at home, Copper, I can't imagine loosing him. It must be hard on you especially since you've only had him for two months and now he's sick. I send my prayers to Potato.
ReplyDeleteBTW I love Potato's name:D