Sunday, February 17, 2013

Topanga Eagle Rock Loop

I did this hike the day after I did the Mt. Wilson falls hike, so you can probably guess how dead I was after that weekend, hahaha! Anyway, it took me some time to actually blog about this hike. Even though I date this post to the day that I did the hike, I am now writing it literally two months later. So bare with me as I try to recall the experience as best I can.

If all else fails, I still have the pictures to show for it! :)

We started the hike at the Trippet Ranch trail head/parking lot on Entrada Road. Following the Eagle Springs Fire Road for about two miles we reached the Eagle Junction. Unlike last time when I went with Tony, Malia and I got to hike the loop this time around.

Luckily, the weather was perfect and clear!

We rested for a little bit at Eagle Rock for photos and just some chitchat with people who were there.

There was a group of kids at the rock when we arrived.

The view from Eagle Rock! Pretty sweet!
There's a little cave off to the right of this picture, under the arch.

Me and Malia!

Because I'm strong, like BULL! (not really)
It was a beautiful hike. On the way back, we took the Musch Trail instead of the fire road, and that was just a bit rougher because it's an actual hiking trail. Plus, it's kinda fun to say the name of the trail. :)

I wouldn't say that it was strenuous, but it definitely got out heart rates up. And that's probably because we were hiking a little faster than the average hiker (2 miles/hr). The whole hike should be around 6 miles. It took us 3 hours. And I would say that we took quite a bit of time on Eagle Rock just talking and taking pictures.

A really good hike when the weather's clear and pleasant! :)

An idea of a part of the trail (probably the steepest of the hike).

The map provided at the beginning of the trail at the parking lot.

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